Our new Website: An thorough progress report After 2 Months

It has been quite a while considering that I’ve written a post on Goats On The Road. It’s not because I stopped loving this site. This fantastic blog and the community that comes with it will always be my pride and joy.

But I’ve started another web site and today, I thought I’d share a bit about it. 

It’s pretty much brand new, at just two months old, but it’s already seeing some extraordinary successes.

In this post, I’m going to share with you why I made a decision to start another website, how I’ve managed to grow the site so quickly, how much it’s earning, and what my goals are with the site in the future.

Why Did I start another Website?

When we started this Goats On The road travel blog, we had no idea what we were doing. It was way back in March (March 10th to be exact) of 2012.

Dariece and I were travelling around the Philippines and trying to work on the blog in between beach beers and long bus rides.

One of the first photos taken of me “blogging” in El Nido, Philipines 2012
We never could’ve thought of that this blog would have done so well.

It’s afforded us business-class travel around the world, extraordinary all-expenses-paid trips in some luxurious destinations, and a lot more extraordinary experiences than I can remember.

All of this was without knowing anything about blogging when we started.

This blog did so well in fact, that we didn’t bother starting another web site or working on other projects.

Why would we?

We hardly ever worked a lot more than 10 hours per week, the site was earning a lot more than we ever would’ve made at our full-time jobs in Canada, we were getting complimentary travel, living a crazy exciting lifestyle, and we saw no way that any of this could stop.

But then the world changed.

Suddenly a pandemic swept the globe and people’s idea of travel changed overnight. nobody was searching “where to stay in Rome”, instead they were searching “how to cancel my trip to Rome”.

How swiftly things can change…
This had a direct impact on this blog, its incomes and its ability to continue functioning as it was.

Luckily for Goats, we have an fantastic community with this blog.

The people who follow this blog aren’t just travellers. They’re also digital nomads seeking to work remotely, find side hustles, research cool travel jobs, and earn money online by doing things like teaching English online and starting blogs.

As a result of our varied audience, while our travel traffic plummeted, our remote work traffic began to grow.

When people are at home, one of the first things they think of is new projects they can take on.

This indicates that Goats On The Road, while absolutely affected by the pandemic, is doing just fine. 

But still, the sudden shift in the global travel landscape was a wakeup call for us.

Yes, we’re very delighted to say that we’ve diversified our blog income streams and we don’t just earn money from ads, or solely from travel referrals, press campaigns, or hotel stays. but having just one web site isn’t diversified enough. We needed to do more.

So out of the chaos that was COVID in early 2020, I made a decision to start another web site and on March 20th, my new site was born. exactly 8 years and 10 days after we started Goats On The Road.

Working in our living room office in Grenada with a random cat who showed up. We named him Marvin.
In just 2 months I’ve been able to grow it to a DA 21 (more on that later), it already gets Google traffic, it is starting to rank for some of my targeted keywords, I’ve had clicks on my affiliate links, I was used my first press campaign, and it’s growing very quickly.

We have a lot of bloggers who read this blog and a lot of people who have always wanted to start their own web sites but have never got around to it.

So I figured this was a good opportunity to share with you the struggles and successes that come with building a new web site and online service from scratch.

Read More: Why We started a new web site during Lockdown

Why is it my Website?

Well, because Dariece and I share everything, nothing is just mine of course ?

But this site is my new side project.

Dariece has been so fantastic (and successful) in keeping Goats On The road and our other travel site running so that I can work on this new passion project.

Because I’ve taken sole responsibility for its growth, and it’s something that I’m interested in, I’ve got into the routine of calling it mine.

I love building web sites and I’ve built a lot of sites for other people over the years, but it was time that I started a new site from scratch.

What is The new Website?

إنه سر. I know, that’s annoying, but hear me out.

I’m using this new web site as a case study so that I can show the students in my Beginner blogger course and my advanced SEO course just how effective the tools and methods in those courses are.

I’m using the exact steps I show in those two courses to grow this site. لاأكثر ولا أقل.

I do want it to be authentic though so that if other people follow the exact steps, they’d have the exact same results.

Most people don’t have a blog like Goats On The road with 400,000+ readers a month (pre-COVID), so if I was to share the web site on this blog, it would immediately get a ton of traffic, ultimately skewing the stats on the new site.

So… I’m keeping it a secret.

But I will be revealing the web site after 6 months of working on it, so if you want to be informed when the big reveal happens, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

What I can tell you is that the web site is not in the travel space.

Some big early Wins

I’ve only had the web site for 2 months at the time of writing this post, and already it’s doing quite well. When starting any new project, it’s the wins (big or small) that help to keep you motivated.

Here are some of the wins I’ve had considering that starting this new site.

It’s reached DA 21

DA (Domain Authority) is a ranking from 1 to 100 and it ranks web sites based on how good their SEO potential is.

For non-geeky, non-blogger types, this generally indicates that the higher the number, the a lot more chance the site has of getting traffic from Google.

Working on my new web site from lockdown in Lisbon
DA21 might not sound a lot on a scale of 1 to 100, but for a site that’s only 2 months old, this is incredible. In fact, the site reached that level on March 16th, just 7 weeks after I started it.

To give you a bit of comparison, it took us a lot more than 2 years to get that far with Goats On The Road, and today, GOTR has a very solid DA54.

Large DAs like 90-100 are mostly reserved for huge global web sites like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Domain Authority is by no indicates the be-all and end-all of a website’s success.

In fact, it has little bearing on how good a web site is overall. but what this number tells me personally is that the site has a solid enough foundation to start getting traffic and to start ranking in Google.

The web site Is getting Traffic

I’ve been working really hard on building up the site (more on how I’m doing that later in this post), and I’m delighted to see that my hard work is paying off.

Slowly, but surely, I’ve started to see traffic coming in from Google, from Pinterest and from some of the other referrals I’ve been building up.

It’s not a lot of traffic, but it tells me that the site is on a good trajectory to grow swiftly over time.

At the time of writing, the site has 1,880 page views and 358 users over the past 30 days, which is very good for a site that’s only 2 months old.

The web site Is starting To Rank

The word “rank” generally indicates that my web site shows up in Google Results.

When I started the site, I choose some queries that I figured I wanted to write articles for, so that when people search those queries in Google, my site might show up.

If I show up in Google search Results, then I have a better chance of getting traffic to the site.

Google accounts for around 90% of web traffic these days, so without Google, sadly, a lot of web owners don’t have a business.

I was targeting around 100 potentially lucrative keywords and I’m delighted to see that my site is starting to show up in search results for those terms and I’m starting to see traffic from Google. 

I’ve published 45 Posts!

The site is only 65 days old and yet it has 45 posts, all of which are in-depth, useful, and around 1,500 – 3,500 words. This is not an easy task to do, but luckily, I’ve had help.

Blog posting schedule On The new Website
I’m going to talk a bit a lot more about how I managed to get 45 epic articles published in 65 days later on in this article.

I’ve Been featured On Some big web sites In My Industry

One of the best things you can do to help a new site grow is to leverage the traffic and audience of a lot more well established websites.

I have spent hours reaching out to different companies in my niche and asking them if I can write for them, if they can interview me, if they can feature me and generally just doing everything I can to get my name out.

I’m delighted to say that after just 2 months, I’ve been able to have some really useful features, which has helped the overall authority of the website.

I’m A Social Influencer

I have a total of 90 followers on all of my social media accounts. just imagine all of that influence! ؟

These numbers are very small, but considering I’ve hardly posted on any of my social networks and I’m not focusing in any way on social, this is a good sign. 

What I’m a lot of delighted about is the YouTube subscribers.

I have 21!

This is very few subscribers for sure, but YouTube subs are notoriously hard to gain and I already have a video on the channel with over 500 views. 

This is very tough to do with a brand new channel, so I’m delighted about the potential there. YouTube could be a good earning platform for this particular niche.

Peلقد نقرت Ople على روابط التابعة الخاصة بي

الروابط التابعة هي روابط تتبع موقع الويب الخاص بي. إذا كان القارئ ينقر على أحد هذه الروابط وينتهي به الأمر إلى الشراء على مواقع الويب مثل Amazon أو Expedia وما إلى ذلك ، ثم بصفتي المدون الذي أحالها ، سأحصل على عمولة.

لقد كنت أتتبع روابط التابعة الخاصة بي لهذا الموقع ، وعلى الرغم من أنني لم أحصل على أي مبيعات حتى الآن ، في الأسبوع الماضي أو حتى أرى أن الأشخاص قد بدأوا في النقر على روابطاتي.

هذا يخبرني أنني أحصل على حركة المرور إلى مشاركاتي المربحة المحتملة ، ينقر الأشخاص على روابط الشراء ولدي فرصة جيدة لكسب بعض المال ، بمجرد أن تحصل هذه المقالات على المزيد من حركة المرور.

لقد تلقيت أول حملتي الصحفية

عندما يكون لديك موقع ويب في صناعة معينة ، سواء كان موقعًا رياضيًا أو موقعًا تقنيًا أو موقع سفر ، فهناك دائمًا شركات مستعدة للشراكة معك على أمل مشاركة منتجاتها أو خدمتها مع جمهورك.

Dariece الحفاظ على مواقع الويب الأخرى لدينا أثناء متابعة مشروع شغفي الجديد
على الرغم من أن الموقع جديد تمامًا ، إلا أنني تمكنت من تحديد شراكة صحفية مع شركة في صناعتي بقيمة 400 يورو.

لا أتقاضى أي شيء مقابل ذلك ، لكنني أستفيد من هذه الخدمات مجانًا ، في مقابل مشاركتها على مدونتي وقناة YouTube لهذا الموقع.

إنه شيء كنت سأنفقه بالفعل على أموال من جيبي ، لذا يمكنني الآن أن آخذ هذا 400 يورو واستثمره في الخدمة بدلاً من ذلك.

موقع الويب له قيمة

عندما تقوم بإنشاء موقع بتصميم سهل الاستخدام ، قم بإنشائه إلى DA21 وابدأ في الحصول على بعض حركة المرور من Google و Pinterest ، فهي ذات قيمة.

مثل عندما تحصل على الأرض ثم بناء منزل عليه ، ترتفع القيمة الإجمالية لتلك الخاصية.

في هذه الحالة ، تكون الأرض هي اسم المجال (www.____.com) ، والمنزل هو موقع الويب الذي قمت ببنيه فوقه.

بعض الأمثلة على مواقع الويب الحديثة المتاحة للبيع على Flippa
على سبيل المثال ، اشترينا الأرض للماعز على الطريق في عام 2012 ، وقمنا ببناء المنزل على مدار 8 سنوات ، ومن المحتمل أن يكون هذا الممتلكات حوالي مليون دولار.

يمكنك أن ترى أنه من خلال الاستثمار القليل جدًا في موقع ويب (يكلف حوالي 60 دولارًا للبدء) ، يمكنك بناء شيء ذي قيمة للغاية.

لقد ألقيت نظرة على Flippa ، وهو موقع ويب حيث يحصل الأشخاص ويبيعون المدونات ، وقد راجعت ما هي مواقع الويب الأخرى DA21 التي يتم بيعها في صناعتي.

لقد رأيت أن الكثير من المواقع التي لم يتم بناؤها حتى يتم بيعها بقدر ما تم بيعها بمبلغ 2000 – 5000 دولار.

أنا لا أخطط لبيع موقع الويب ، لكن مع العلم أن جميع عملي الشاق والاستثمارات قد أضافت بالفعل قيمة إلى ممتلكاتي هو شعور رائع.

ما هي أهداف هذا الموقع؟

هدفي في هذا الموقع هو البدء في كسب دخل منه ، ثم توسيعه وتنميته إلى شركة كاملة.

أعتزم البدء في كسب حوالي 500 دولار شهريًا بعد 6 أشهر.

هل سأجعلها هناك؟ في هذه المرحلة ، يكسب الموقع 0 دولار شهريًا ، لذلك لا يمكنني القول حقًا ، لكنني آمل ذلك.

بمجرد أن يحصل الموقع على 500 دولار شهريًا ، فهو دليل على أن المفهوم يعمل.

التدوين من جزيرة نائية في شمال سولاويزي ، إندونيسيا
في هذه المرحلة ، سيكون لدي دخل شهري كاف للاستثمار في الخدمة لتوسيع نطاق نموها. أود استئجار الكثير من الكتاب ومحرر لرعاية العمليات اليومية للموقع.

بعد ذلك ، كل ما يجب علي فعله هو إدارة الجانب التسويقي للأشياء ، وسيكون الموقع عمومًا على الطيار الآلي ، حيث ينمو باستمرار في الشهر.

بمجرد وصول الماعز على الطريق إلى 500 دولار شهريًا ، تضاعفت أكثر من ثلاثة أضعاف سنويًا حتى وصل إلى أكثر من 60 مرة.

أنا لا أقول أن هذا الموقع الجديد لديه قدر كبير من الإمكانات مثل الماعز ، لكنني أحب أن أراها يومًا ما كسب 5000 دولار أو حتى 10،000 دولار شهريًا ، وفي هذه المرحلة ، سيكون لدينا أيضًا خيار مخرج من 120،000 دولار – 360،000 دولار.

كيف أنا بالضبط زراعة هذا الموقع؟

إن الشيء الرائع حول ما كنت أفعله مع موقع الويب الجديد هذا هو أنني أتابع بالضبط ما كنت أقوم بتدريسه للأشخاص في الماعز في دورة المدونين على الطريق و WordPress Bleass Plogger وأكمل دورة تحسين محركات البحث (SEO) لسنوات.


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